Tuesday, April 9, 2013

Under the Kitchen Sink

Finally! I have been waiting to talk about organization and what better way then to tie it in with homemade cleaning products!

Having gotten rid of all my excess cleaners has freed up a lot of space under my kitchen sink, allowing me the freedom to organize and make it more functional.  Why does this matter you say???   Well for one, knowing exactly what products you have saves you time and money, as you're not unnecessarily restocking or looking for items you need.  Secondly, I take pride in my homemade cleaners and I love seeing them where I can grab them on the go.  Trust me when I say you'll stress less, and have more time to focus on more important things!

Here are my simple tips that keep my supplies organized in the kitchen.

In the front bin I keep my most used cleaners (labeled), including the baking soda.  I also store the castile soap and other supplies I need to make my cleaners.  Organizing like items in baskets or bins helps keep clutter under control. (I bought my bins from the Dollarstore).  Remember only keep those items that you absolutely need!

The other bin under my sink stores my cleaning supplies and extra items I may require to clean my kitchen.  Items such as the microfiber cloths, j-cloth, gloves, extra sponges, toothbrush, etc.  Again I would recommend storing these items in the front,  as you will always know what you have or don't have on hand,  should you need to replace. 
In the silver container I keep our dishwasher soap.  I am still in search of a natural dishwasher soap recipe, but I haven't come across any that seem to work. Leave me a comment if you are using one that does!

That's it, pretty simple!  Remember take the time to organize and declutter, you will save time and money in the long run.

Hope you find this helpful!

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