Wednesday, April 17, 2013

Furniture Polish

Here's another easy to make cleaner to polish your furniture, and one less product you need to buy!

As I've thrown out all my store bought chemicals, I realized shortly after that I no longer had a viable option for furniture polish.  I started doing some research online to make my own polish and the recipe below is the easiest to make and works great.  I can't believe I haven't done this before.  Simple and again you probably already have all the ingredients!

B's Furniture Polish: 
-Spray Bottle
-1/4 Cup Olive Oil
-1 Cup Vinegar
-2 tsp fresh lemon or 10-20 drops lemon essential oil (can be left out I like the smell)

Combine the above ingredients in a spray bottle using the funnel and shake to mix the ingredients.  I would recommend using this polish with microfiber cleaning cloths and perhaps conduct a pretest to ensure it's suitable for your furniture.  I've been using it extensively in my kitchen to remove hard water stains on my dark cabinets.  Works wonderfully!

Check it out yourself.

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