Wednesday, March 20, 2013

All Purpose Cleaner - this is all you need!

Really it is.

I use this All Purpose Cleaner to clean my entire house, including kitchen cabinets, stainless sink appliances, washrooms, counters, and mirrors.  I can honestly keep going!  Except for granite counters, you should not use vinegar or any other acidic cleaner on granite as it will etch the surface.  I make a cleaner just for granite counters, I'll post that soon.

B's All Purpose Cleaner: 
  • Spray Bottle (that can hold at least 450ml)
  • 1 cup White Vinegar
  • 1 1/2 cup Warm Water
  • 2 tbsp Castile Soap
  • Few drops Tea Tree Oil 
  • Funnel (to pour the ingredients into spray bottle)
You may tweak the amounts as you need depending on the size of the spray bottle.  This is what I use and works for me.

Make sure your spray bottle is clean before you begin.  Using the funnel, add the castile soap first to the spray bottle, then warm water.  Give it a slight shake to mix.  Then add as many drops of the tea tree oil as you like, I do about 5.  Then add in your vinegar and shake to mix.  That's pretty much it!  You've got yourself an excellent all purpose cleaner.

If you do not have or are unable to purchase castile soap, you may substitute with regular dish washing soap.  For most surfaces you should have no issues, however you will need to test on glass and mirrored surfaces. (To ensure there is no streaking, I have no streaking with my above cleaner, and prefer castile soap as it is natural).

PLEASE READ THIS:  Follow the instructions exactly as posted as castile soap and vinegar should not be mixed together directly.  You must dilute the castile soap in water first, otherwise the soap will curdle when mixed with vinegar.  I learned this the hard way!

Check out this glass table before and after.  All I used was the All Purpose Cleaner and a microfiber cloth, no Windex!  Yes I took left over pizza and did a nice extra smear for demonstration and wow purposes.                                 



Leave me a comment and let me know if you try it!

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